In case you haven't noticed around the library, October is Movie Month! Check out the pillar for movie trivia and see if you can guess the movie based on the unusual summary! (I'll admit, a few of them threw me for a loop...)
We're hosting movie nights on Fridays starting at 6 PM sharp! See the library for titles!
You can also check our
Pinterest Board where we're pinning some of our favorite movies, film memes, and trivia!
Also happening this month:
3rd Annual Short Story Contest
October 8th: 4 PM: So You Want to Write a Novel? (Get pepped for NaNoWriMo!)
October 14th: 6 PM: Friends of the Library Meeting (Prep for the Fall Bazaar/Book sale!)
October 31st: 5 PM - 7 PM: Trick Or Treating in Augusta (Stop in starting at 4, at the library, for treats and more!)