Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Be faithful to your library!

Do you really love the Augusta Public Library? Do you REALLY want to help it out but don't have a lot of time or money to dedicate to the cause? Good news--there's an incredibly easy way to help your library with absolutely NO time or money required from you! All you have to do is remain faithful to your library.

Most people don't realize that if they have an Augusta Public Library card, any time they go to another library and check out materials, our library is charged $2.00 to $3.50 per item. It may not sound like much, but consider this: Say you're out shopping in Eau Claire, and you swing by the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. You grab two books from New Arrivals, three movies, and four or five children's books. As a result, the Augusta Public Library gets charged more than $25.00.

"But wait," you may ask. "What if Augusta doesn't have what I want? Am I doomed to read only the books within its walls?"

Never fear! You still have access to any item in the MORE Consortium (the group of Wisconsin libraries to which Augusta's library belongs). Ordering is simple and can be done either at the library itself or in the comfort of your own home. Simply go to the website http://www.more.lib.wi.us/ and search for the item you want. You have many search options (title, author, subject, etc.), and you can limit the search to one library or search everything in the system.

When you find the title you want, click the "Request Now" button, then enter your name and library card number. Make sure to select "Augusta" for your pickup location; otherwise, your item might accidentally be sent to Amery or Baldwin.

If you're having trouble with the site or don't have Internet access, you can always call the library during its normal hours, and a staff member will gladly help you order the item you want.

Ordering items and having them delivered to the Augusta Public Library is easy, convenient, and best of all, OUR LIBRARY DOESN'T GET CHARGED FOR THEM. You might have to sacrifice a little instant gratification if you find something in Eau Claire that you really, really want, but hey--you've just helped the library!

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