Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring break at the library!

Hordes of children descended on the library on March 21 (well, maybe not hordes, but 31 kiddos made for quite a crowd). Most were on their second day of spring break from Augusta Elementary School, and they were ready for some entertainment.

They found it. The Family Storytime, led by intern Matthew Knutson, featured an energizer, a game, and, of course, a story. The children then watched a movie, complete with bags of popcorn.

Intern Matthew Knutson kicks off the library Storytime with an energizer.
Matthew reads "The Snow Queen."
Children listen attentively as Matthew reads.

Bags of popcorn at the ready, children prepare to watch the movie.
Spending your spring break at the library? Being surrounded by books when you don't HAVE to be? Maybe some of the kids had thought this notion was crazy. Given how much fun they had, though...not anymore.

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